Námsefnið Ég sé með teikningu er afrakstur meistaraprófsrannsóknar minnar á sviði myndlistarkennslu við HA sem ég lauk 2017. Námsefninu er ætlað að efla nemendur í teikningu og sköpun og gera þá hæfa til að teikna eftir fyrirmyndum og eigin ímyndum, svo þeir geti lýst þeim raunveruleika sem þeir skynja og sett eigin sjónræna hugsun fram á frumlegan hátt í tengslum við eigin markmið. Námsefnið er sett fram sem hugmyndabanki sem inniheldur efnivið fyrir kennara til að búa nemendum aðstæður eða vettvang fyrir upplifun þar sem þeir læra í gegnum eigin reynslu. Þeir efla með sér sjónræna rannsókn á umhverfi, tengingu hennar við hreyfingu handar, auka þekkingu sína og skilning á sýnilegu umhverfi og örva ímyndunarafl sitt
Námsefnið má nálgast hér.
Námsefnið má nálgast hér.
I see by drawing
This drawing educational project is one of the results of my M.A. studies in the field of art education. Its aim is to to strengthen students ability to draw and create and make them able to draw from life and from their imagination so they can describe the reality they sense and put their own thoughts forward in an original way in consistency with their goals. It is a collection of material and ideas for teachers to prepare conditions for their their students to learn through practice, to enhance their visual research of their surroundings and connection of it with the movement of their hands, their knowledge and understanding of their visual surroundings and their imagination.
The book can be found here.
This drawing educational project is one of the results of my M.A. studies in the field of art education. Its aim is to to strengthen students ability to draw and create and make them able to draw from life and from their imagination so they can describe the reality they sense and put their own thoughts forward in an original way in consistency with their goals. It is a collection of material and ideas for teachers to prepare conditions for their their students to learn through practice, to enhance their visual research of their surroundings and connection of it with the movement of their hands, their knowledge and understanding of their visual surroundings and their imagination.
The book can be found here.